- Welcome to the artwork platform!
In the platform you will find material and impulses for training artists/cultural workers/adult educators who are interested in working cross the diverse sectors.
We locate this work in the context of socially engaged arts (SEA) practice, which refers to artistic and arts-based participatory approaches aiming to influence and instigate social change through art or artistic processes in collaboration with or within a particular community or, more broadly, society. SEA is a multifaceted field of artistry practised in many contexts and informed by several discourses.
The platform was incited by the partners of the "Artwork" project, convinced that artists bring and have brought significant impulses to adult education. From the psychology of learning, we know how important the mindset and inner beliefs for people's behavior are and how difficult they are to change. Artistic methods allow the participants to contribute their point of view, but also to open and broaden their horizons. This is just one example of what the involvement of artists in adult education can achieve.Who is this platform for?
This open platform is aimed to support artists who want to move down the path of working across diverse sectors with socially engaged arts practices, but also organizations in the field of art/culture that want to open up this path to artists and it also offers help for adult educators and their organizations.
Licenses and rights
For a the plattform it is to mention that they are cofunded by the Euopean Union and the following disclaimer is to apply to all the texts of the plattform:
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Everyone is free to use the platform but it is not allowed to copy and disseminate texts and material of the platform except pdfs where it is not forbidden.