05: Othering

  • What processes of division take place? Also with regards to instances of positive discrimination (also in contact with the outside – on stage) 
  • Where and how to locate boundaries – of the group and of individuals within the group? What possibilities does the group have – or what is possible? 
  • How do I create a safe environment for the group? 
  • Does the situation require that I pay special attention to certain aspects or conditions? (regarding health conditions, disadvantages, illnesses, languages... e.g.) 
  • How slow or fast is the group? What is their rhythm and pace?
  • How do I deal with them? Do I protect them? Do I guide them? How do I deal with taboos and differences? 
  • What individual needs are present in the group and how do I deal with them? 
  • How are feelings dealt with? 
  • How to create a safe space: tools of facilitation, non-violent-communication
  • What can I do to feel comfortable and safe? 
  • How are judgments, evaluations, uncertainty dealt with within the group? 
  • How are aesthetics negotiated in the group?
  • How do I create wonder, interest, questioning, curiosity? 
  • You have to wonder not to fear
  • How do I open the space, how do I make it accessible? (trust room / safe space) 
  • How do I incite the group’s curiosity?
  • How do I enable participation?
  • How do I open the space so that it can be made one’s own / appropriated? 
  • What structure enables the group work to progress well? How do I guide the group through the process of forming a structure? 
  • How do democratic processes take place in the group / negotiation processes? 
  • Are there rules that facilitate for the space to become an open space? 
  • How are roles distributed among participants? Who takes on which role? 
  • Sociocracy
  • What framework does the group need to be able to work? 
  • How big is the group and what structure do I need for it? 
  • How do I deal with conflicts? 
  • How do I create space for communication, the articulation (of feelings, conflicts) and debate? 
  • How do I create participation – coordination processes that are democratically organized and equitable? 
  • How can I make use of processes within the group for the artistic process? 
  • Who is on stage? Who is behind the stage?  

Zuletzt geändert: Sonntag, 26. Februar 2023, 09:59