Task A5_02 SEA practitioners competence areas
In this task you will first imagine your future as SEA practitioners. Then you will think about your own competence areas in relation to SEA practice: what skills or knowledge you might need to further develop and what are your strengths. Finally you will consider two alternative paths for how to reach your goal.
First stage
- Create an image of your preferred future SEA career in five years' time based on what you have learned about SEA practice and your points of interest. The image can be, for example, a drawing, a mindmap, or a collage including cut-out images and text that you further elaborate upon in writing.
- Imagine what might not only be possible but also preferable for you as a SEA professional in five years' time.
- Use your imagination - anything is possible.
- Take a photo of the image of your preferred future, attach it to a word document and elaborate it further in writing
Second stage
- Read the detailed descriptions of Competence areas in SEA professionalism PDF
- The competence areas aim to encapsulate the varieties of SEA practice. They are unwrapped by looking into their defining knowledge, skills, attitudes, and abilities (Mulder, 2021, p. 111).
- Hint: The competence areas (Siljamäki & Lahikoinen) are considered for a wide representation of SEA practice - your future might be related to only some aspects of it depending on how your frame the contexts, practices etc.
- Reflect the competence areas and what you have learned in the course so far. You can use SWOT for insight (see figure below)

- Consider the competence areas from the perspective of your future image as a SEA practitioner. Write down your reflection.
- What are the most important or necessary aspects of your future practice?
- What aspects seem most remote to you and your future SEA practice? Why?
- What are your strongest aspects that need only a little or no further training?
- What aspects do you need to focus on and strengthen through further training in the future?
Third stage:
- Consider and describe two alternate paths to reach your preferred future (in the same document). Include in these paths how you will strengthen your skills and competencies to achieve the future you want.
Final results:
- Save the documentation for your future-self
Zuletzt geändert: Donnerstag, 27. April 2023, 10:47