07: Social-Political Impact

  • Who do we want to reach? Who do we reach? (audience) 
  • For whom? 
  • What is our message? 
  • What is our concern? 
  • What and whom do we want to reach? Statements? 
  • What does our performance provoke? What reaction?
  • How do audience and performer meet? 
  • How does the audience participate? What opportunities does the project offer for this participation? 
  • Who speaks? Who is on stage? What becomes visible? Can the subaltern speak? Talking back (bell hooks) 
  • In which context does the performance take place?
  • What becomes visible – how does it become visible – which perspectives are taken or opened up? 
  • Art into life – life into art – everyone is an artist
  • It is all about context and responsibility – and about possibilities
  • In which social/political context do we place ourselves / How do we situate our work within a broader social and political context? 
  • Who are the addressees? And what do I want to achieve?  
  • What is the participants’ feedback? 
  • What is the audience’s feedback? 
  • What did the participants gain from the process? 
  • How can I get feedback from the participants? 
  • How do I facilitate and foster emancipatory work?

Zuletzt geändert: Sonntag, 26. Februar 2023, 10:04