Consider what stood out to you when talking and observing people. What patterns emerge when you look at the set? If you noticed something interesting ask yourself (and your team) why that might be. In asking why someone had a certain behavior or feeling you are making connections from that person to the larger context.

Synthesize and select a limited set of NEEDS that you think are important to fulfill; you may in fact express just one single salient need to address. Work to express INSIGHTS you developed through the synthesis of the information you have gathered through empathy and research work. Then articulate a point-of-view by combining these three elements – user, need, and insight – as an actionable problem statement that will drive the rest of the artistic intervention work.

A good point-of-view is one that:

•Provides focus and frames the problem

•Inspires both the artist and the organization that needs artistic intervention

•Saves you from the impossible task of developing concepts or actions that are all things to all people

Last modified: Saturday, 6 May 2023, 12:56 PM